dinner and a show
don’t you hate self-promotion to your friends? it’s like you know they support you but also you don’t consider them “fans” and it feels icky when you think about things that way. what if there was an event where the express purpose of the event was to share your talent with your friends so there was no icky self-promotion feeling? introducing… dinner and a show! A talent show for this exact purpose. if your talent isn’t something that can be performed live, bring something that you are really proud of that you have worked on and share it show and tell style with the class.
join us for the next dinner and a show on monday, december 2nd at 6pm. you can find more info about some of our lovely featured performers below:
- ari lindo bc ig
- guesst bc site
- semi-cycle bc ig
- zoe minzenberger ig + dayson ig
- eddie sepeda cara
- kevin flores
if we have time, we will also do an open mic at the end of the night 😊